Asset Store publisher login (No Access)

Please can someone give me any info/Solution regarding this problem?

Hello, I need help regarding my Asset Store publisher login. I have created my publisher account a few days back it worked for two days means I can login and upload my assets metadata there but now when I am trying to login to my publisher account it shows me NO Access (You are not registered as an Asset Store Publisher.) or when I am trying to create a new account with same login details it says Publisher name already exists. Please can someone give me any info/Solution regarding this problem?

Got the same problem. Have uploaded 24 assets and all of a sudden I’m not a publisher anymore. Though my assets still exist in the assetstore.

Just ran into this issue, said ‘No Access’, then after repeated attempts to access the publisher portal it started returning as ‘503 Service Unavailable

Got the same issue when i try to download my assets. and i´m not able to add new assets to my project.

Sounds like temporary server issues. The 503 Service Unavailable message usually denotes that.

Other than waiting and trying again at a later time, there’s not much you can do about it.