Asset store requests?

Hello guys.
My name is Jonas, currently im studying to be a game designer / webdeveloper.
I would like to know if any of you guys got some needs/requests for script-assets like an item system, or anything really, so i can build up my asset-portfolio.

So if anyone needs anything, either pm me or post a comment of what you want, and i’ll give it my best shot to get it up on the store. (Probably free to download)

Thanks in advance

Bumpy Bump

I think physics packages seem to sell well and are popular, such as a boat and/or submarine controller. There is only one of the store, but it appears to be abandoned and poorly written, see it here.

Another option would be a purpose-built physics-based generic animal controller, preferably one which supports IK and the ability to walk on walls similar to a gecko. There are many 3rd person character controllers, but none which specifically support animals.

Failing that, a simple IK system that supports four-footed animals would be useful. The only ones available tend to be expensive, and the cheaper ones don’t support four-footed animals. There is this one, but it doesn’t support Mecanim and is no longer being supported.

Thanks for the request, i Will look into it and give it a try :slight_smile:

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I second that, I really need a good boat and submarine controller. :wink: I need this for my Unity project.

Jonas, do you have any package of Google Map Api?!