Asset Store - saved assets / lists gone?

I was browsing Asset Store few minutes ago.

I tried to heart an asset, but the button seemed inactive.

After a couple of tries I decided to check my Saved Assets (heart icon in top bar), and I noticed that all my old lists seem to be gone?

Is this possibly some temporary glitch or have the lists been wiped for some reason?

I had created probably 16 or more lists where I keep interesting stuff for reference, so it would be shame to lose those.

I’m sure I’m logged in into Asset Store as I see all my bought assets etc.

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Yes, mine are gone as well. I first noticed this 24h ago.

I can see Saved For Later (with 28 for me) and Favorites (with zero… should be lots more)

Can someone from Unity chime in as to why they have been deleted.

I curated my lists over years for multiple projects and this is very disappointing to have lost the lists.


This was a useful unique feature that didn’t exist in Unreal Engine market place, it would be a shame for Unity to remove it entirely.

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I have the same problem, I don’t how to do, shit!

"“This was a useful unique feature that didn’t exist in Unreal Engine market place, it would be a shame for Unity to remove it entirely.”

I hope it is temporary… as the buttons are still there in the UI and only my lists are empty.

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i have the same problem also, lets hope someone only broke the behaviour, not purged all our saved data.
i had around 15 lists with each holding nearly the limit of 100 entries …

it would be devastating for me to lose all that work :expressionless:

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Not sure who to ping, but if relevant @AndrewAssetStore are lists no longer showing up intentional?

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Same here, i spent a lot of time creating lists and sorting assets and they’ re all gone.

Same here. All my lists are gone and the heart functionality is broken. Really useful to keep track of stuff your interested in but perhaps not relevant right now.

Just here to report the same problem, that feature is really important for my work.

If Unity could fix it, that would be great.


I noticed this a couple days ago. This is a big issue in my opinion. Those saved assets/favourites turn into sales for asset creators - I would be screaming if I were them. Yesterday I went to buy several assets that had a similar artistic style (finding similar styles across different asset creators can take a long time to curate!) and my saved assets were empty. I only have a couple entries in “Saved for Later” that I had previously pulled from a shopping cart. Please fix!


This was reported among publishers a few days ago and the Asset Store team is looking into it.

I don’t think the lists are gone, as some of them have reappeared again but others are still missing.

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“This was reported among publishers a few days ago and the Asset Store team is looking into it.”

Is there a public thread somewhere?

Still not working! So, we have to wait.

No, it’s in the private publisher forum. I think this thread could serve as the public thread =)

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I’m faced with this bug.
And my order history page is blank too.
Even though I bought assets yesterday.

Is there relation between these bugs?

I too am missing my order history. I need an order number and as far as I know that is the only place to find it if you can’t find your email receipt.

I’m also experiencing this issue! All lists + my entire order history is completely gone…

Yes, just checked… my Order History gone.

I need the Order History for my tax returns… it is vital to have these restored so I can claim expenses.

Mine have been restored

Saved Assets: Restored
Order History: Restored

Thanks whoever within Unity sorted this out. Tape backups ?

Everyone on this thread should take a moment to check if theirs has been restored