Asset Store still not working? Can view packages, but can't purchase?

The issue this last weekend where an error came up when logging into the Asset Store (couldn’t click on anything) seems to be fixed - but now that I can get into it, when clicking the button to purchase just changes the button to “Please Wait”, and it just hangs forever.

New issue? Or part of the original issue? Anyone else having this problem? Also - if you do a “Search…” for a known package, the alternating thumbnails at the top have the graphic and text misaligned. Any word on when purchasing will be working again?

Seems to be working now…

Seems to have been a glitch that happened while we were updating the store software today. It should be working fine now.

Not sure what changed through RBS Worldpay, or Unity Store - but my card has been locked twice because of some automated blocking software on the bank’s site? Was about to purchase a few models through the store here, but after getting my credit card deactivated twice now, I’m going to try and contact the authors directly and see if there’s a way to purchase directly through them. I haven’t had issues with Unity Asset Store before, but ever since it locked up last week and now seems online, it’s become frustrating. Anyone else having these issues, as well? Spent the morning getting my card reactivated multiple times now. Something to do with activity coming through Copenhagen? That was what my bank told me. Did something change with where the Asset Store handles its transactions? If so - I hope these issues get resolved. I won’t be using the Asset Store anymore - and that sucks, because I liked having everything right there and easy to find. Lots of stuff I’ve purchased I’m already using, and a few more things I really wanted to get, but can’t now - unless I get it direct.

@danreid70: As far as I know nothing has been changes wrt to payment. We will be taking a look at what could have gone wrong. If you’ll send us a bug report with your Asset Store account name, we will be able to see better what has gone wrong.

RBS Worldpay Card Payment

"Secure Checkout

Declined. Sorry this transaction has been declined by your card issuer. No further information was passed to RBS WorldPay as part of your confidentiality agreement with your card issuer. You may wish to try another card."

I spent the earlier part of the morning verifying with my credit card company that everything was fine on my end, and each time I tried to purchase, I get the above message, and my card becomes disabled - “fraudulent activity” trigger?. I’ve purchased assets before through the Asset Store, with no issues in the past. I just tried purchasing again, changing my order to see if the amount purchased is above some limit that is triggering it, to no avail. Now I have to call my CC company again to make sure they didn’t disable it, again. Argh.