Asset store strategy "50% discount 100 favorites"

I have an idea, why don’t you have a sale strategy like this;
If 100 people add an asset to their “Save for later” make a 50% discount for it. It works like a bundle but more specific.
It can help us very much.

Nice idea, but it should always be the asset creators choice if they want to give a discount. It should not be Unity or the users who decide.

Another option is for Unity to inform the creator if 100 people “Save for later”, then Unity offer the creator the chance to give a discount to all users or just those who have selected “Save for later”.

But I am sure Unity is monitoring interest and deciding which creators they should offer a discount slot to.

Probably because everyone could then just go and Save For Later every asset in the store. If everyone did that then there would be more than 100 people, and every asset could then be bought for 50%.
Terrible idea that would just take money away from the asset creators.

Simply copy steam wishlists. When the time is right, the author can choose to have a sale based on a yearly token. It encourages following points:

  • author in control
  • users indicate interest
  • yearly tokens force authors to keep the asset fresh & prevent abuse
  • a bump in any charts due to volume of sales in a period

There are a lot of fun things stores can do, but ultimately the problem is this model only benefits the users and the author, it doesn’t really change a thing for Unity, so no incentive to add anything like these or other people’s suggestions.

What benefits Unity and some authors a little are flash sales and bundles as they can get people to spend some money when usually they absolutely wouldn’t bother. This can benefit a user who was maybe waiting to pounce.

But you know, isn’t it odd that a developer would bank on a sale to improve their game? It must primarily be hobbyists, then, that use sales, or just people who like to hoard. It’s a bit of fun.

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You can do it silently

How hard is it just to wait for a sale?

This is why I asked you to not answer any of my questions before.
But you still insist to stick.