Asset store support forum/threads are missing

I tried the Playmaker unity forum support link on the aset store page and the link is broken.
Tried the same for Amplify Shader unity forum support thread link and is broken too.
Tried a few asset store product pages, the same result.
Is it going to be fixed?
If not, where we cab find suport for the asset store products on the unity discussions pages?
Thanks for support.

P.S. - this new discussions direction is really ugly and hard to use.


Yes indeed. And the “New release Discounts” seems nowhere to be found! Let’s hope these things get fixed.

The forum links are slowly being fixed. They fixed the majority of cases, but currently if a link includes a page reference at the end of it it’ll fail. Remove the /page-XX and it should recover. They’ll be fixing this when they get a chance.

Also you can get to the asset store pages via tag, and they’re also in the community showcase category along with other posts. Topics tagged asset-store-assets

Those are both unacceptable though, that is the issue

Now is a good opportunity to add pages and links direct to pages, so can be 1:1 to old forum and be closer to perfect

Also both my links not work and videos not show yet, hopefully will be fixed, fingers crossed

The other main issue is that like Discord is totally impossible to find anything before the very last posts, need to do endless scrolling in a bloated environments, which can be forever

You can drag or click the post timeline:
I also agree it’s not that great; you can also edit the post number in the URL.

I did try to use this, but is just not useful unfortunately

Maybe if they make this slider somewhat longer or different to not go so fast, i dont know

One amazing idea is have pages right next to the slider as small buttons, just click to go back to certain virtual page start for example

The slider also is not real time updated when i move it, so is 100% useless currently

Plus when choose where to land everything flashes and reloads, which is also far from ideal or professional design