I am trying to upload an asset to the asset store. I had no issues in the past with it but since updating the asset store tools to version 14.1 I am getting this error and its preventing me from uploading my content.
The tool validator has basically an issue with Prefab trees, in the prefab there are several branches with naming as shown below, in the prefab I duplicated certain branches like it’s the case with leaf_cocotree_A_10_LOD0, so there are two branches named leaf_cocotree_A_10_LOD0.
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I’ve once had this problem, but with time I fix it without any video or someone’s help. I think what you should do there is to go to the main parent of the prefab and click add component, search for LOD Group and select it. Then you can drag the children gameobject to the LOD Group component of the parent gameobject.
Hey man.
Your solution worked like a charm
I had too add lod slots in the LOD component lists and reconnect the meshes.
You speared me days of troubleshooting, much appreciated.
Have great day.