asset store tools upload error

I updated my “asset store tools” asset and tried to upload my package but I keep getting this error

An error occurred while sending the request
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
AssetStoreTools.Uploader.PackageView:OnPackageUploadFail (AssetStoreTools.Uploader.ASError) (at Packages/com.unity.asset-store-tools/Editor/AssetStoreUploader/Scripts/UploadWindow/AllPackageView/PackageView.cs:567)
AssetStoreTools.Uploader.PackageView/d__56:MoveNext () (at Packages/com.unity.asset-store-tools/Editor/AssetStoreUploader/Scripts/UploadWindow/AllPackageView/PackageView.cs:472)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<AssetStoreTools.Uploader.PackageUploadResult>:SetResult (AssetStoreTools.Uploader.PackageUploadResult)
AssetStoreTools.Uploader.AssetStoreAPI/d__32:MoveNext () (at Packages/com.unity.asset-store-tools/Editor/AssetStoreUploader/Scripts/AssetStoreAPI.cs:444)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hey Masterahuck,
I had a similar problem where uploads were going fine and hardly ran into any issues during the process and I ran into this scenario. I spent a few hours troubleshooting:

  • Removed any namespaces from the file names
  • Rebuilt a project and ran into the same error on different project builds
  • Defragged my drive
  • Changed my asset filepath

Then I had a hunch, the upload failure kept occurring right at 40%-50% of the process. Network traffic I presumed and I was right, my upload speed was in the single digits for some reason. Rebooted my router and I uploaded 2 projects without an issue later on.

Hope this helps everyone out there!

Ok thanks alot.
It was an outdated te version I guess, updating fixed the issue.

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