Asset Store: "Unable to proceed"?

Hey there I’m new to all this. I was wanting do download an asset. I went to the asset store, found some free assets, and every time I click on “open in unity” it says “Unable to proceed.” I believe it thinks I’m on a mobile it tells me to use a computer or tablet… which I am. Any solutions?

i actually have the same problem and i know of at least one other person who has this problem as well. no idea how your supposed to fix it though

I encountered the same bug, with free assets and some that I actually bought. It’s my first time using assets from the unity store.

Steps to reproduce: I started by downloading one of the paid assets and it worked fine. When I tried to access the second asset, it would just send me that message. Since then, I’ve been receiving that message for anything I try to download, free or paid.

A Tech from unity answered my email, the solution is to ensure that the asset store window is at full screen. It sometime thinks the asset store is being accessed online if the window is too small.

Worked perfectly for me :slight_smile:

i resolved the issue ,You are right,Asset store window should be in full screen