Asset store upload error.

When I try to upload I get
Unallowed file type:Assets/BadDog/Wolf01.fbm - disable embedded media when exporting to .fbx

I get this for three characters. My first reaction was whut th heck!!! Until I googled and found only one other case which never received an answer on the answers forum here. Reading submission guidelines doesn’t mention this weird requirement so I am guessing its just a glich. Creating a new package generates the same error.

Any help appreciated.

It doesn’t want embedded media. Go to your exporter, turn off embedded media, re-export, and use the actual psd or png files. Make sure your materials reference them.


That was quick! :slight_smile:
Thanks a million will do.


Just in case anyone else has the same problem:

I reexported the characters out of motionbuilder without embedded shaders and textures. They come into Unity with a blank material. I linked the textures to those default materials and deleted the old materials but still got the error. Changing the texture folders so they had no .fbm extension worked. Still would not upload but the errors were gone. Exiting unity and deleting the temporary folder in the project folder cleared error logs. Starting the project up again and activating the asset store tools and package manager showed all my settings were still available and exporting was successful.


I am having the same problem with Kanga! Can you elaborate more on how you managed to do this ? maybe a step by step guide would help more people since this is a very strange request from the asset store!

Resurrecting this thread because I had the same problem. This is what worked for me.
Export your mesh without any materials or anything applied, after deleting the old mesh from your Unity project. In Blender I literally removed the material from the mesh before exporting.

I also had to delete an automatically generated .fbm folder which I didn’t notice at first from the project before I could upload.

the .fbm files are embedded materials. You can still have materials on your meshes, just don’t use the fbx option to embed them when you export. I only use 3ds max, so I don’t know how to do this in any other package, but it’s an option right on the dialog in max.

I have another kind of error every time when I am trying to upload pack from Unity 5. No mater what I am uploading.