Asset submission issues. Publisher info isn't being saved WTF!

Everytime I write my publisher info (name, description and a small keyimage) and save, when I close out the window and go back to see my publisher info, it’s gone!

And when I try to preview my package it gives all “Error uploading package for review. Error receiving response from the server (403)” - I’ve been trying this since yesterday. I read that you must fill your publisher info correctly. Well how the F* am I supposed to fill it if it’s not saving??! This is so depressing. They don’t mention anything about this anywhere… They always leave us with trial and error. Always up for the community to fix their broken garbage, ALWAYS.

To whoever douche behind this whole thing, you are granted my sincere hate.

Any ideas please?


Sounds like a firewall issue. Check your firewall that it’s not blocking Unity from receiving connections. (Your own antivirus and windows firewall.)