AssetBundle always null ( Unity 3.5 )

I noticed a issue with the usage of AssetBundle’s. The following lines generate always the result “null”.

AssetBundle bundle = AssetBundle.CreateFromFile(@"Scenes\Models\Tipi.unity3d");
print(new AssetBundle());

Of course i have a pro licence here. Maybe this is a bug with 3.5?

As far as i know `AssetBundle.CreateFromFile` isn't supported offically acording to the documentation. However it will only work in standalone builds since you don't have file access on webbuilds. Also in standalone build you have to place the bundles manually in the desired folder. Also keep in mind that you use a relative path. Make sure you search in the right directory. Try use an absolute path for testing.

Usually you load assetbundles via WWW and you access the bundle with WWW-assetBundle.

Now “AssetBundle.CreateFromFile” is in the official document.
I got it to work inside the Unity Editor environment for the Windows Stand alone platform, but failed when running the actual exe build file.
I realize the file path is relative so I made the same folder path underneath the folder that contains the exe file. I also tried to use absolute folder path but that did not even work within the Unity Editor environment. Does anyone have any good suggestions?

Here is my code:

private var buddlePath:String = "build\\resource\\bundleResource.unity3d";
function Awake()
  var env:Vector3 = Vector3(638.2952, -34.35898, 13.05447); // The position of the Environment object

  var bundle:AssetBundle = AssetBundle.CreateFromFile(buddlePath);
  if (!bundle) // It fails at here
  var stoneBridge:GameObject = Instantiate(bundle.Load('stone_bridge', GameObject));
  if (stoneBridge)
	stoneBridge.transform.position = Vector3(-285.4605, 151.5, 299.8385) + env;
	stoneBridge.transform.rotation =  Quaternion.Euler(-90, 133.9244, 0);
	stoneBridge.transform.localScale = Vector3(23.9237, 4, 9.837905);