Hi, I’m built a baked scene assetbundle and put it on the server. Then, the cilent side can download the assetbundle and show the scene. When loaded the scene, the lighting is bad and i discovered the lighting data asset is not load on my scene, but the lightmap is still in here. I don’t know whether there is any relationship. Anyone can help me? Thank so mush!
This is most likely shader variant not being compiled into the asset bundle with the correct flags for lighting. So my recommendation since you are on 2018.3 is to install and use Scriptable Build Pipeline package to build your asset bundles. Getting started: Scriptable Build Pipeline - 2018.3 Getting Started Guide - Google Docs
Any solutions here? I don’t get why the lighting data asset is not loading with a scene from an assetbundle.
What’s more, if I load the scene on its own from an assetbundle, the lightmaps are applied, but if I do additive loading then they are gone. 2019.2.9f1
UPDATE: It was the original scene having checked auto-lighting (not the one additively loaded), once I took that off everything is fine (even the though it doesn’t show the lighting data asset applied, I believe its working since even light probes work)
Any solutions here? I meet the same problem.
Once I build all my shaders to an assetbundle (already have the “auto shader varients asset” from the “save to asset” btn on Project Setting) .All my scenes are miss light data asset .
If I don not build all my shaders to an assetbundle ,all the scenes light data asset is correctly. but in the memory profiler,i will see more the one memroy cost from one same shader,and also more load time .
After build all shaders ,all the other materials seem good ,and load fast,shared the only one memory cost,but only the lightmap lighting data asset is missing .
I could use some help here. When I build my scene into an asset bundle and run it in webgl, my models turn black. From what I can tell, this is because the lighting data asset isn’t loading properly. When I have Realtime GI turned off, everything is fine.
I have the above shader stripping checkboxes checked (I tried the import button, and also all of them). I’ve spent a day on this so far, and nothing is yielding. However, I am noticing that if I try to add the lighting data asset to an asset bundle all by itself, the asset bundle isn’t generated. Is there some bug going on that Unity will not add that files to an asset bundle??
I am using the “BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(directory, abbs, BuildAssetBundleOptions.ForceRebuildAssetBundle, _buildTarget);” command to do this. My current test is just adding a single scene into an AssetBundleBuild … so far the models all load and it looks right on webgl (once I got my shader stuff straightened out), but the moment I bake realtime GI, the models turn black.
Any help would be appreciated, as I can’t progress until I solve this.
Just pinging you, since it would be great to have a very clear understanding from a dev if this should work, or it shouldn’t. Its as bare bones a test as I can get. A few cubes with realtime gi in 1 scene put directly into an asset bundle through BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles, and loading in the assetbundle then loading the scene when posted on webgl. Should realtime GI be working here?