Assetbundle fail to load at IOS local


I’m encounter with some assetbundle problem on IOS device

I can download my assetbundle file from internet and save it at some local path

but when I try to load it, it just crash and the App will shut down automatically.

That’s something will not happen in Android

This also won’t happen when I preview in Unity( works fine on Mac and PC).

here’s my ccode :

IEnumerator DownloadBundle()
    while (!Caching.ready)
        yield return null;
    www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(downloadPath, 1);
    yield return www;
    isDownloading = false;

    AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
    AssetBundleRequest request = bundle.LoadAssetAsync("Car", typeof(GameObject));
    yield return request;
    GameObject obj = request.asset as GameObject;
    Instantiate(obj, transform.position, transform.rotation);

Is there anything that I do wrong?

I have come across similar issue and RAM has been the primary reason for crash. If there is a memory leakage then available RAM for your app will keep on decreasing and App will finally crash. You can check how much RAM your app is using for every frame on Xcode Intruments or Unity profiler