AssetBundle.Load() question

Hi guys,

If I have a prefab “myprefab” in an asset bundle and that prefab uses a material that has a texture, if I Load(“myprefab”) two times, is that texture in memory 3 times? 1 time in the bundle memory, 2 times for each load?

I have a second question as well. When I perform a Load() from an asset bundle to get a prefab and then perform an Unload(false), the materials on the prefab that I loaded aren’t set even though those materials are in the same asset bundle. However, if I delay the Unload() by some period of time (I’ve arbitrarily picked 0.1s) all works fine. Anybody else have that kind of problem?

I guess I asked dumb questions that don’t warrant any responses!

So far, experimentation is showing that using asset bundles requires very special care. If anybody in the future has some questions about them, I’d be more than happy to share what I’ve been forced to learn the hard way.