assetBundle.LoadAll can't load asset of BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle


I want make asset bundle share for different level on my game. I can create asset bundle for one level, i use getdepencies for find all asset for one level and i make my asset bundle with this asset, i use “BuildAssetBundle”, the file “.cs” and “.unity” are not include on the bundle. next i use BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle for make my scene bundle. I use push and pop for the dependence on the bundle.


i have two bundle, the first with asset do 18 Mo and the level 2.5Mo

But when i use BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle directly on the level i have one bundle of 7.5 Mo.

So I want load my build BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle of 7.5 to see the asset included. I load my bundle on a scene and after i try to use MyWWW.assetBundle.LoadAll(type), but they never return Object [ ] or other type of object.

So how make asset bundle with all dependence on one scene and selecte just the asset use on the BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle.

thanks for your help.


You don’t need loadall with streaming scenes.
Streaming scenes work the way that you load the bundle and when its loaded you use Application.LoadLevelXXX to jump in / load it.
They don’t contain distinct assets but the whole thing as “1 thing to go from” :slight_smile: (streaming scenes are no asset bundles and asset bundles no streaming scenes, the only thing they share is that you can stream them in the same way)

Thanks, you confirmed what i think.

But now, do you know the asset witch can add in asset bundle? Because I add all dependence asset of my scene, and some asset are not important. So i have an asset bundle bigger than the StreamedScene.

thanks for your attention.