I am trying use assetbundle “LoadAsync” method asynchronous load object from assetbundle. but I found the speed for “LoadAsync” is much slower than “Load”, for example, I load a object from 38kb assetsbundle, in editor, use “Load” Method, only needed 23ms, but use “LoadAsync”, I need wait 391ms to finish.
if I use “LoadAsync” to load a group of objects from separate assetbundle at the same time, and the assetbundle size of them from 30kb~40kb, then the load be finished one by one base the order I start them, and the finish time for latter one always about 300ms longer than before one, it looks like if you call multiple “LoadAsync” at the same time, they will not execute concurrent, just be execute one by one in one background thread.
anyone have more info for this? or have good suggestions about how to speed up “LoadAsync”?