AssetBundles and Scenes

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to bundle scene files?
I have tried it, using the asset bundle build api and apparently it worked. I got a file with the expected size.
But now, I don’t know how to instantiate it after I load it…

I was planning to build a standalone application and, later, build several independent expansion packs containing more levels.
Any suggestion how to accomplish this?


** Bump **

So, any idea?

Sorry, haven’t tried it myself yet, but have you tried setting the scene as a mainobject in the assetbundle? So you’re sure you got a proper reference to it.

If you can stream scenes, this could work:
Application.LoadLevel (;

If this wouldn’t work, I’d create a patcher for the game instead. I already got it working for widgets (and webplayer of course…). Haven’t checked if my widget patcher works for regular standalones too.

Thanks for the quick reply.
I just tested what you suggested, but unfortunately, it didn’t work :frowning:

It gives the error: “Level XPTO couldn’t be loaded because it is not added to the build settings”.

Then I’m afraid levels do indeed need to be added to the build settings as it states. Updating/Downloading scenes is no option then.

Is there something to what you want to do that prevents using AssetBundle?

Or WWW.assetBundle?