[AssetBundles][AUP][Textures] JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old

Hi everyone,

Using Unity 2019.2, I encounter a problem loading (at runtime) an AssetBundle containing a 3D model with a texture with crunch compression (50%).

Every time I load this 3D model at runtime from the asset bundle, I get this message :

JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old…
To Debug, enable the define: TLA_DEBUG_STACK_LEAK in ThreadsafeLinearAllocator.cpp. This will output the callstacks of the leaked allocations
Internal: deleting an allocation that is older than its permitted lifetime of 4 frames (age = 6)

How to reproduce :
→ Create an asset bundle with a 3D model (a simple cube is enough) having a very large texture (+10mb uncompressed, 8K texture, like the one I attached) and use crunch compression at 50%. For the bundle, juste use uncompressed or LZMA settings.
→ Load the model and place it in the scene with LoadAssetAsync with the following code

public class TestAssetLoad : MonoBehaviour
    public string path = "/path/cube";

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K))

    public IEnumerator LoadAsset()
        AssetBundleCreateRequest bundleLoadRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(path);
        yield return bundleLoadRequest;

        AssetBundle Bundle = bundleLoadRequest.assetBundle;

        if (Bundle == null)
            Debug.Log("Failed to load AssetBundle!");
            yield break;

        AssetBundleRequest assetLoadRequest = Bundle.LoadAssetAsync<GameObject>("cube");
        yield return assetLoadRequest;

        GameObject prefab = assetLoadRequest.asset as GameObject;

You should see the message. I think this warning is due to the processing of the texture which is done with AUP (Async Upload Pipeline) on jobs that last more than 4 frames (due to the size of the texture), because it would not show up if crunch compression is not activated.

Any idea ? Is it a bug to be fixed for large textures ?

Up :slight_smile: the issue also occurs in 2019.3

Sounds like the UAP per frame time slice is not enough to load that texture in less that 4 frames. Did you try increasing the time slice value? Also, are you setting the async upload buffer size to accommodate such large texture beforehand?

I set up the async values at their maximum but I’m still getting the issue… :frowning: Any more ideas ? :slight_smile:

I encountered similar issue.
unity2019.3.10f1 HDRP Addressable1.8.3
I loaded an assetbundle that contains huge scene with lots of textures.
In most case, a build freezed!!!

I seted async upload buffer size 4 (mb)
Async upload time slice 33(ms)
These settings solved this problem.
But I think that this is a bug.

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Thanks @masak . I had the same problem on a very similar setup to yours which includes Addressables package, too. I could finally solve the problem after playing with those settings.

For those having a similar problem, you can read more on the following links.




I found that if you limit the framerate cap to something low in the loading screens then this error goes away
Application.targetFrameRate = 30;

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Unity2019.4.0f1 solved the freeze bug. (( Editor shows lots of warning as usual

2019.4.3f1 showed the freeze bug in some environment…
This bug appeared in issue tracker.
plz vote

Hi @masak
Could you please explain what do you mean saying “freeze bug”?

We came accross some loading issue. For some devices the loading progress doesn’t go more than 95% and stays there forever.
Is your case the same?

Freeze bug means that app window does not react, and if i click it, windows says that this application is not responding…
If you click your app after 95% and windows says nothing, I think different case.

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