AssetBundle's Terrain texture resolution problem.

Terrain textures are in trouble in a low resolution if I download from AssetBundle (. unity3d) the Terrain.

Export terrain file code.

Object[] selection = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets);

    Selection.activeObject, selection,
    @"c:	mp	errain.unity3d",
    BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets

Download terrain file code.

WWW download = new WWW("http://localhost/terrain.unity3d");
yield return download;

var bundle = download.assetBundle;


This is a screen shot of the Terrain when using the AssetBundle.

*Texture is not a low-resolution image in Editor.

Terrain texture that was placed in the scene is a high resolution.

Quality Settings

  • selected Fantastic.
  • Texture Quality : Full Res

Terrain Settings

Base Terrain

  • Pixel Error : 200
  • Base Map Dist. : 2000


  • Terrain Width : 100
  • Terrain Length : 100
  • Terrain Height : 600
  • Heightmap Resolution : 513
  • Detail Resolution : 1024
  • Detail Resolution Per Path : 8
  • Control Texture Resolution : 2048
  • Base Texture Resolution : 2048

I was able to resolve on your own.

Can be resolved by setting the material to the Terrain.

Shader to set the Terrain / any.


wow! This save me a huge headache mate! Thank you very much! both the description and video you linked saved me from the only other solution which was to recreate terrain in a new project. This solution was found by accident when trying to read more about settings as a last hope. There are tons of people who have this issue and think it’s just a bug you can’t fix.

To those who didn’t understand, all you do to fix it is
1)create a new Material by right clicking on assets.
2)Set new material shader to Nature/Terrain/Diffuse (or Bumped Specular)
3)Add it as material to the Base terrain in terrain settings.

Now your low resolution textures should be back to the normal high resolution texture!

Thank you so much sir and I hope that youtube video gets a ton more views that it deserves!

Brilliant! Been searching for answers to this problem for days.

I am using Unity 2017.4.1f1. In order to apply the above trick:

  • create a new material
  • in the settings of the terrain, select Material = Custom, then select your newly made material.

Note that there are three “Built In” materials in the Material dropdown, but they all cause the texture problem described by the OP.