This looks more like a „favorite assets“ window to me. It doesn’t do any form of caching I would say. Unless I’m mistaken I feel the asset name is misleading.
Unity Editor already has a favorites feature btw. Not sure how it compares since I haven’t felt the need to use it.
Thanks for your feedback.
Assets cache is quite different from favorite.
I will send you the package via discord CodeSmile, try it out and give me more advice to improve if possible.
Thanks but I‘d rather first understand what it does and how a user can benefit from it. Because that‘s a message you need to get across to anyone if you plan on selling it. Your product description on the store is severely lacking in that regard. The only change is that you call it „quick access“ now which is just another word for favorites in my book.
In the video I demo some special features of Assets Cache, you can see more features in the AssetsCache Guide.
Thanks for the advice, I will update the store description with more details soon.