I’m trying to reduce my build size. When I go to look at the Build Report in the Editor Log it shows lot of assets that are not in the scene included in the build. There is no Resources folder and I don’t see that these textures are in an asset bundle. Why would they be in the build?
Many reasons. It would help if you posted some of these log items.
Just one example: a prefab instance with a meshrenderer that uses a material that has a texture assigned to one of its properties (ie normal or heightmap), even though the texture isn’t used, will cause that texture to be included in the build.
You may also have more scenes included under Build Settings than you need. This is easily overlooked or forgotten.
Btw there are tools that help with this, mainly Asset Hunter.
Just in case you’re not aware there can be multiple resources folders. Some of Unity’s packages depend on it, and some third party assets depend on it, and both of these will create their own resources folders in their directories.
If you’ve exhausted obvious approaches to finding why the assets are included, the next step is probably to use a memory profiler on the build. I like using Heap Explorer , though you can use Unity’s.
What I’ve found in the past is that static references can cause a cascade of other assets being included. If memory serves this can happen with DontDestroyOnLoad monobehaviours too. Anyway checking the heap explorer can usually reveal some unusual links between assets and explain why some assets are being included unexpectedly.