Assets Manager Pro

Hi everyone !
I just released a tool I’ve been using and developing for many years now.
Let me know if you have any suggestion or question about it !

– Setup a searchable list of all your packages
– Parse packages to display their version number, author, categories, path etc. All fields are searchable using regular expressions.
– Automatically rename and/or organize packages into folders. Those folders are generated using the asset store categories.
– Extract any unitypackage as a zip archive (even packages stated as corrupted in the Unity Editor)
– Quickly check assets inside a package. (Displays a list of file with their asset thumbnail)
– Quickly check the asset store page of any package
– Windows explorer right click menu shortcuts (for windows users only)
– List, index and parse all your unitypackages. Display their assets as a grid of thumnails
– Search the index using regular expressions
– Extract any asset from any unitypackage
– Generate lists of packages
– PC and MAC support
– Tested with folders containing thousands of packages

Available on Gumroad :
Official website :

The link to the asset store is invalid, the right one is this:

Hope you update it!

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ok thanks !

Will you be adding the option to update packages through Asset Manager Pro? If you will have that functionality, I will happily purchase. I am at my wits end with the asset store in the editor and REALLY need an alternative way to manage, maintain and update my asset hoard.

Hi @LadyAth ,
It’s not currently possible to do so unfortunatly. The tool can at least check for updates automatically, but the download process needs to be done from the Unity Editor as everything is encrypted…

Just to make sure I understand correctly, can Asset Manager Pro show me which assets need to be updated so I can then open that asset in Unity asset store to run the update? Even that would work for me.

Absolutely, it’s not currently implemented though but it’s already on the roadmap for the next update :wink:

Awesomeness, I’m buying! :slight_smile:

Thank you ! I just submitted the update with the package update checker features on the asset store, it should available in a week :wink:

Hi there!

Question 1:
Does this tool work with having several versions of the same package in the search path? I do keep versions of every package in case I don’t like the updated one at some point in time. I imagine that the tool might go crazy with like showing lots of out-dated packages that were found although I do have the latest version AND all of the older versions of my assets.

Question 2:
Is it possible to completely disable any actions that would modify the content in my search paths? I don’t want the tool to ever change anything, just do read actions like indexing, parsing, extracting data from the .unitypackage files. I have my very own sorting and archiving system and want to keep it that way. I’m a little nervous if it comes to tools and the possibility that I might even accidentally click on the “sort/rename” button.

Question 3:
Where is the database stored? Can the storage path be customized?

Idea 1:
It would also be helpful to have some kind of lists so I could tag my assets any way I want regardless of what the assets are categorized on the Asset Store by the publishers. Personally, I’d like to have the option to create custom lists, e.g. “Favorites”, “Tested”, “Untested”, “Deprecated”, etc. Readability of tags might be enhanced by allowing users to color code them.

Hi AndreasO,

No problem with that, I do the same actually. The only thing is that those packages will be marked as outdated in the “update” column, but it’s not a problem at all.

If you accidentally click on “move and sort” you will be able to cancel the “select output folder” prompt. There is no confirmation prompt for the “auto rename” button but I can easily add one in the next update !

The database is stored inside “c:/users/USERNAME/AppData/AssetsManager/” and you can’t change it for now but if you feel the need for such feature I can add that to the roadmap.

Sounds like a good idea! Adding it to the roadmap as well, thanks!

BTW, I just pushed an update to the store today that speed up the reading/extracting process by 30x. This should be published in a few days :wink:

Thanks for you answer putting the things I mentioned on the road map. Will buy it :slight_smile:
About the “modifying content” question I had: Adding a prompt for the user before changing data is always good to have to avoid surprises. What I’d like to see is a “read-only mode” that can be enabled in the settings. If I were to do any action that requires modifying my content the tool could show a popup that the read-only mode is still enabled. That would be really great. :slight_smile:

You’re totally right, I should have added it already :wink:

Actually this tool has no modification feature except those 2 “rename” and “move” buttons, so I’m not sure a “read only” mode would be efficient for now. Having this will implies to people that the tool will maybe remove or modify their packages in some way, so it might me misleading. But I keep that in mind for later depending on the features that will be added in next releases :wink:

Thanks for your feedback !

Is there any chance you can fix the sort functionality on the release date? The dates are displayed as day/month/year. So when you sorts by the day then month and then year which is totally useless. It should be reversed so that it sorts by the year then month then day. That way i know the assets that i bought recently vs those i bought along time ago. Having all of the assets that I bought on the first of the month does absolutely nothing for me.

I love the program by the way and if not already said an export to excel would be great or even just a comma separated list instead of the current txt export.

Thank you KeithBrown for the bug report, I will add that in my TODO list for the next update ( not the 1.1.196 currently waiting for approval, but the next one) and the excel export as well for the next releases.

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Thank you!

I just fixed the “release” and “size” column sorting. If you want to get the update right away please send me an email with your order number at contact [at]
Thank you !

This is a fantastic tool! :slight_smile: The only thing bugging me right now is that for some of the assets the version number does not change, even after I have updated those assets. To confirm this, if I right-click on them in the list and pick “Download update” it takes me to the Asset Store, where only the “Import” option is given.

I have tried removing the asset folder, adding it again and re-checking it, but the wrong version persists. It is an incredibly useful feature to see which assets are outdated, so I hope I can fix this somehow. Any ideas?

Hi ! Thank you for your feedback :wink:
So your asset is up to date, but the version number displayed in the tool is wrong ? Is the cell green or orange ? Can you please tell me the version number displayed in that cell, and the asset store package link ?
There is a one day cache regarding asset store informations in my server, and there is a cache on your computer too, so there is a chance that your package is up to date, but the tool tells you it’s not because the package infos are still in cache. I will check that. Thank you !

I opened a public trello board to keep track of features and bugs :