Assets Manager Pro

Yes, the asset is up to date, but wrong version number displayed. The “update” cell is orange. This is happening to a few different assets, but I can use “Amplify Color” as an example. In the “version” column it says “1.6.6” but in the “update” column it says “1.8.0” (in orange). In the asset store, that asset only gives me an “import” option, and not an “update” option. It makes sense that this would be a cache problem. Is there a way for us to clear the local cache?

Thanks a ton for replying so quickly! The Trello board is also a great idea! I can provide further details there if you like.

All assets are downloaded to these folders:

On Windows: %APPDATA%\..\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\
On macOS: ~/Library/Unity/Asset-Store-5.x/

You can simply delete stuff in there and the Unity Editor will show you the “Download” button again.

Thank you, but unfortunately this does not solve the issue. The version I have in that folder is the correct up-to-date one, so the Asset Store is doing the right thing when it does not show a “Download” button :wink: I got inspired by your suggestion though and deleted the asset and downloaded it again from the store, then hit the “Recheck all Folders” in the Assets Manager, but unfortunately it still comes up orange. This is most likely connected to cached information in the manager itself, rather than how Unity is doing things.

Yes I was talking about the manager cache. It’s here :
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\AssetsManager\Local Store\listCachedbFilesVec.dat and listCachedbFilesVec1.dat

What’s weird is that the issue is not about the actual latest version code which is indeed 1.8.0, but the fact that your package is supposed to be up to date but still display 1.6.6.
When you click “recheck all” the manager is clearing the cache and rechecking every package metadata so the cache might not be an issue here.
Can you open that particular amplify package with any text editor and send me the metadata infos at the top ? it’s something like :

Just to make sure your package is indeed up to date :wink:

Also it appears that the 1.8.0 is requiring at least unity 5.6 so if your current unity version is older than that you will only get the previous version as the latest for your unity version. So which unity do you have ?

Finally, check if you don’t have the package shown multiple times in the manager with different versions each.

I just tried on my side with the Standard Assets package, my version was 1.1.1, and the latest was 1.1.5. I downloaded the update and clicked “recheck all”, the correct version number appeared and the color turned green. So I don’t see any issue yet with the manager.

Thanks for you help figuring this out !

With your help I have confirmed that this is not the Assets Manager! In fact, the Assets Manager was right all along and has revealed a problem with my Unity installation :wink:

When I check the metadata for the asset (thanks for the great file hint, I swore I had seen 1.8.0 features in the asset itself), it is clearly 1.6.6, even after I download it from inside version 2018.2.18f1 of Unity.

I noticed that all my assets are kept in a folder called “Asset Store-5.x” inside the "C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\Unity" folder. Thinking that this might be something left over from an older version of Unity, I simply deleted "C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\Unity" completely! After doing that, I launched Unity 2018.2.18f1 and tried downloading “Amplify Color” yet again, but guess what, a fresh "C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x" folder got created and version 1.6.6 of the asset placed inside it!

So, now I am at a loss here, thinking that somewhere (maybe in the registry) there is an old variable hanging around indicating I have an older version of Unity. I’m not sure where the Asset Store checks for this, but that would be a question for Unity, and not you :wink:

So, thank you for a great asset that lets me see what actually is going on! :slight_smile: (why the Unity Asset Store doesn’t warn you that you are getting an older version, is beyond me).

Thanks for clarifying this. Just so you know, it’s normal to have a “Asset Store-5.x” folder, it’s the actual download folder name since unity5 and for latest versions as well. I know this is misleading.
What’s weird is that you’re still getting the 1.6.6 even with unity2018. you should contact unity about that, I don’t have any clue…

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Hello!! I have a question: can i make this app to work like portable app - from USB?? I want to make a assets backup on external drive. Greatings!

Hi ! Sorry I’m not sure to understand your question.
If you mean “can I use this software with packages on external drives that are not always connected to keep the database of files and search features” the answer is YES, as long as you do not click on “recheck all” when your drive is not connected.

  • If you mean “can I put the software on a USB key to use it on several computers with the same database” the answer is NO, as all data are stored inside the current user directories. You can put the app on a usb key so it’s portable but the database will not follow.

Hope that helps !

Hi, just a quick feature request: Provide a scale slider for the “Grid” view, which would shrink/enlarge the size of each grid cell to fit more assets on the screen at once. I have a large 4K monitor and I feel like so much of the space in “Grid” view is wasted. I really want to get a good visual overview of the assets I have (currently well over 200), and the “Grid” view is perfect for that, but scrolling a lot sort of loses quality of a good visual map. Actually, most of the space is wasted on the asset title, so perhaps providing different ways (e.g. controlled by a parameter in “Settings”) to display the title in “Grid” view would help a lot, such as making the font smaller, making it partially (or fully) overlap the icon, or even have the option to not display the title at all (just showing it when mousing over the asset icon). This tools keeps impressing me, and I am only suggesting this feature because I intend to keep using it and recommending it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great feedback ! I’m adding that to the trello board list! Can you post a screen of the app in 4k to see how it looks ? Thanks !

Ok, no problem:

What the screenshot does not quite capture is how big everything is on the display itself, i.e. I could easily work with icons and text half this size.

P.S. You may notice from this screenshot that there are two copies of several assets. This happened after I tried “Move and sort” and then updated these particular assets. The updated versions went back to the old folders, so they are now in two places. I can’t find a way to fix this easily, i.e. to undo the “Move and sort” operation. Any hints appreciated :wink:

Hi @hanneshogni sorry I missed your issue !
Basically the move and sort feature is intended to move your assets to a different folder for easy access and storage. You should not move and sort assets to the Unity Download Folder itself, as it has its own structure.

What I suggest is to cut & paste all folders created by Assets Manager to another place on your drive. Then open unity and redownload only needed packages when you need them.

Yes you will end up with duplicates, but you can regularly Move And Sort from the download folder to your other folder, this way you will keep your own folder up to date and clean up the Download folder of Unity. When you need a package open it from your own folder, check if it’s having updates or just redownload it from Unity.

I’m sorry I can’t make a undo feature for it, it would be hard to manage.

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Hi, I am not getting any thumbnails when i search for something in the asset managertab.
i type in switch fbx and I get the results just in text, I am in the grid view. Why do I not see any preview of the asset?

And any updates coming soon?
Thank you

Hi! Can you please send me pictures of your package and asset tabs by pm with the different views to have a better understanding ? Thanks!

Just so you know. Thumbnails are retrieved from the asset store. If your package is not coming from there it might not work. Or sometimes there are no thumbnail for fbx files even on the asset store…


I have been waiting for something like the asset manger for many years now … but I have one major issue: if I want to extract a prefab I don’t get the dependencies (like materials, textures, meshes,…) exported, too.

Did I miss something or is there another way of extracting dependent assets?
Otherwise this tool is just a viewer, not a manager and that would be sad …

Thanks for any help ( @anthonyk )

Hi photonic,
There is no way to find the dependencies between files. I wish I could to it. Only the Unity Editor can calculate that when you export files from your project.
The tool is still a manager as there are features to sort, filter, search, rename, move, and extract assets.

Thank you for your fast reply!
Oh, so Unity itself is the culprit … that’s unfortunate … would have been awesome to extract the useful prefabs from my countless assets in order to organize the stuff of years :wink:

Still, you are right … at least having the possibility of looking at the package content helps (as long as those previews exist on the AssetStore).

best regards

It would be useful to be able to group packages with different versions. this would clean up the listing by a lot for me as i keep old versions of everything.

I’d like to filter by outdated grouped packages. the problem i currently have is that a package is always both in my case, up to date for one version and outdated for every other old version i keep. this is also a problem when using the asset manager function because now I have to wade through lots of duplicate entries. this can be useful but it would be better if this could be toggled on/off.

When you search something in packages, does it search in the Description of the asset too? For me, that’s the most important thing, as it has the most information in it, and keywords to find stuff.

Also, wanted to report, using Multi monitors, appears the Display Asset Store Infos opens off screen. You have to do alt+spacebar and move to get the window.

Hi @AndreasO , sorry for the delay to respond. This is actually a good idea. I’ve added that to the next features to implement on Trello. Thank you !

Sorry this is currently not possible. caching package descriptions would makee the cache so much bigger and decrease the speed and stability while searching. I had to make choices and keep only short data.

Can you give more details about your setup ? Number of screens, resolutions, and a screenshot ? I have 2 screens and never noticed any trouble with the popup positions, and nobody ever reported such issue. Actually the runtime is automatically managing popup positions on screen, and adds an offset for every new popup, so I don’t have to deal with that by myself.