Assets/Scripts/Inventory.cs(9,40): error CS0236: A field initializer cannot reference the nonstatic field, method, or property `Inventory.differentItems'

I’m essentially trying to create a simple inventory type list using unity’s GUI. However I receive this error when trying to run my script. I believe the problem is caused by the variable different items not being constant. If anyone could show me how I should call differentItems as a constant (if that truly is where the error is occurring) that would be extremely helpful.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour 
	int differentItems = 200;
	int[] itemCount = new int[200];
	int fifthWidth = Screen.width/5;
	string[] itemName = new string[differentItems];
	public Vector2 scrollPosition =;
	void OnGUI () 
		scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(Screen.width - fifthWidth, 0, fifthWidth, Screen.height), scrollPosition, new Rect(Screen.width - fifthWidth, 0, fifthWidth, (Screen.height/20) * differentItems));
		for(int i = 0; i < differentItems; i++)
			GUI.Button(new rect(0,(Screen.height/20 * i), fifthWidth * (4/5), Screen.height/20), itemName*);*

_ GUI.Label(new rect(fifthWidth * (4/5),(Screen.height/20 * i), fifthWidth * (1/5), Screen.height/20), itemCount*);_

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour 
	const int differentItems = 200;
	int[] itemCount = new int[200];
	int fifthWidth = Screen.width/5;
	string[] itemName = new string[differentItems];
	Vector2 scrollPosition =;	

void OnGUI() 
	scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(Screen.width - fifthWidth, 0, fifthWidth, Screen.height), scrollPosition, new Rect(Screen.width - fifthWidth, 0, fifthWidth, (Screen.height/20) * differentItems));
	for(int i = 0; i < differentItems; i++)
		GUI.Button(new Rect(0,(Screen.height/20 * i), fifthWidth * (4/5), Screen.height/20), itemName*);*

_ GUI.Label(new Rect(fifthWidth * (4/5),(Screen.height/20 * i), fifthWidth * (1/5), Screen.height/20), itemCount*.ToString());_