Assets/Scripts/Quit Menu Script.cs(24,22): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `public'. Please Help as I am A NOOOOOOB in programming!

This is the code for my start menu-
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;

public class QuitMenuScript : MonoBehaviour {

public Canvas quitMenu;
public Button startText;
public Button exitText;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

	quitMenu = quitMenu.GetComponent<Component> ();
	startText = startText.GetComponent<Button> ();
	exitText = exitText.GetComponent<Button> ();
	quitMenu.enabled = false;


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

	public void ExitPress(){

		quitMenu.enabled = true;
		startText.enabled = false;
		exitText.enabled = false;

	public void NoPress() {

		quitMenu.enabled = false;
		startText.enabled = true;
		exitText.enabled = true;
	public void ExitGame() {

		Application.Quit ();


This is the place where I am recieving an error-
public void ExitPress(){

		quitMenu.enabled = true;
		startText.enabled = false;
		exitText.enabled = false;


It says ‘Public’ is an unexpected symbol!
Please help and thank you!

Error messages are there to help you. Why would “Public” be an unexpected symbol? Perhaps because you’ve written it in the middle of the Update() function?

Remove the void Update () { and your script is good.