Assign camera into the head?

Hi :slight_smile: I have a model created in Makehuman, I would like to know how can I assign a camera into the head of this model to get a 1º person view. Is it possible? I was thinking about the head’s construction, if the head have all normal vectors pointing out of head, so the head will no be rendered by the camera. Is it possible to be done using makehuman?

Use bones for attaching camera, or other armaments.
Bones are exported (if option is selected) with model from make human.

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Thank you, I tried something different, I made 2 textures, 1 to be used when camera isn’t in 1º person, and a second modified, I removed the texture of head and saved as png, this one I use for 1º person, the head get transparent.

You can stuff the camera into the head, but you’ll need to disable rednering of the head in the first person view. Otherwise you’ll probably have part of your view obscured by portions of geometry. Most likely you’ll see other side of eyelashes, parts of nose or something like that.

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If you’re familiar with Blender, then you just need to detach the head and make it separate mesh keeping the same vertices at the cutting line with the same normals in order to have seamless illusion when you’re using the mesh in 3rd-party view.
If you don’t use 3rd-party view and you don’t change clothes and whatnot, just make a separate “fps mesh” without the head and replace the headed one with the headless one.

If you’re not familiar with Blender and stuff, you always can get a specialized tool for the job like this one:

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