Assigning an array of gameObjects

I’m trying to assign all the positions of a number of gameObjects to an array This is what I have done:

var limbs : GameObject[];
var limbsPos : Vector3[];
var limbRot : Vector3[];

private var length : int = 0;

function Start (){
	limbs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Limb");
		for(var limb in limbs){			
			limbsPos = new Vector3[limbs.length];
			print (limb.transform.position);
			//The next line works
			//limbsPos[3] = limb.transform.position;
			//This one doesn't
			limbsPos[length] = limb.transform.position;
		print (limbsPos[3]);

However, when assigning to limbsPos, assigning a specific number works ( [3] ) but assigning by a variable doesn’t. What am I doing wrong?

Two things:

  • You recreate the limbsPos array each iteration. So only the last element will be preserved.
  • Second if two or more arrays are involved it’s usually more readable to use a “normal” forloop and not a for each loop.

Something like this:

var limbs : GameObject[];
var limbsPos : Vector3[];
var limbRot : Vector3[];

function Start ()
    limbs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Limb");
    limbsPos = new Vector3[limbs.length];
    limbRot = new Vector3[limbs.length];
    for(var i = 0; i < limbs.Length; i++)
        limbsPos _= limbs*.transform.position;*_

limbRot = limbs*.transform.eulerAngles;*
Also are you sure you need euler angles? Usually it’s better to directly use [Quaternions][1].
Also do you need the position and rotation seperate? Usually it’s easier and more flexible to use a transform array. If the “limbs” are moving and you just want to store a snapshot, it’s ok :wink:

For reference, here is the version I am now using:

var limbs : GameObject[];    
var limbsPos : Vector3[];    
var limbsRot : Vector3[];    

function Start (){    
limbs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Limb");   

limbsPos = new Vector3[limbs.length];

limbsRot = new Vector3[limbs.length];       	

    for(var i = 0; i < limbs.Length; i++){	  		

        limbsPos _= limbs*.transform.position;*_

limbsRot = limbs*.transform.eulerAngles;*

*} *
