Im trying to make a multiplayer game wherein a number of enemies have to spawn when a player enters a trigger box and I need to assign each enemy a unique ID for later use.
The spwaning enemies can be one of two different prefabs. The prefabs have both a script attachted called EnemyID which stores an int called ‘ID’ and another script for controlling their behavior.
The code for instantiating the prefabs is:
public GameObject aISmallPrefab;
public GameObject aIMediumPrefab;
public void SpawnAI(int id, NetworkTransform ntransform, string aIType) {
GameObject aIPrefab = null;
if (aIType == "AISmall") {
aIPrefab = aISmallPrefab;
else if (aIType == "AIMedium") {
aIPrefab = aIMediumPrefab;
GameObject aIObj = GameObject.Instantiate(aIPrefab) as GameObject;
aIObj.transform.position = ntransform.Position;
aIObj.transform.localEulerAngles = ntransform.AngleRotationFPS;
aIObj.GetComponent("EnemyID").ID = i
The SpawnAI is called everytime an enemy is to be spawned and recieves an interger (the id), a transform and a string (what type of enemy to be spawned).
I really can’t get unity to assign the ID so i can access it in the behavior scripts for the enemies.
This is my first time using unity and I can never really seem to get GetComponent working.