Assigning instantiated objects to a List of a Toggle button

I have a button in my scene that works as a toggle for all the objects that are included on its list. I also have some objects that i would like to instantiate and attach them to the list of the toggle button. Any ideas how do i do that? In other words i wanna do this but with with objects that are instantiated.

Heavy PseudoCode incomming untested but should give an idea:

[SerializeField] Toggler _toggler;

void Awake()
    _toggler = GetComponent<Toggler>();

void MyFunction()
    var myObj = Instantiate(MyGameObject, MyParentObject);

you need to find all the objects you want to add to that toggles list/array, if its a list you could do something like this using a tag

    List<GameObject> Toggle= new List<GameObject>();

you can find your objects any other way this is just an example.