Assigning sprite to UI Image at runtime bugged?


i made an application where you can pick an image from gallery on your mobile device, then this image is loaded into the app and being displayed, once its displayed you are able to crop the image. The cropped image gets further recropped to fit certain aspect ratio(1:1.2) and should be assigned to an UI Image but it gets displayed totally offset and stretched for no reason (also happens without changing aspect ratio). Assigning this image to a spriterender displayes the image correctly also with correct aspect ratio. I don’t know what is wrong there, since the displayed sprite in the ui image displays part of the image which should not exist anymore like the edge of the table and the right part is missing completly (i attached a screenshot for better understanding). The Image in the middle is the source image, this image gets cropped within the red rectangle. the bottom left image is a spriterenderer with this image assigned, the top left image is an ui image with this image assigned. As you can see the ui Image is totally messed up and displays not the truth. On Android, windows and OSX everything works fine, only on IOS it fails. Anyone knows why?

Anyone can confirm? I’m using ios native plugin to load the image, you don’t even have to modify it, just use Sprite.create(…) from the Texture 2D loaded and assign it to the ui Image. It gets displayed totally wrong :(.