Assigning variables to a game object?

So, I’m curious as too if there is a way to add variables to a game object.

For Example

GameObject mob;


This is what I was describing. Create 2 scripts, one called Mob and one called AccessMobClass (or whatever you like). In a blank scene, attach AccessMobClass to the camera or an empty gameObject (this is just a test).


#pragma strict

public class Mob extends MonoBehaviour
	public var someInt : int = 0;
	public var someFloat : float = 0.0;


#pragma strict

public class AccessMobClass extends MonoBehaviour
	public var mob1 : Mob;
	public var mob2 : Mob;
	function Start()
		mob1 = new Mob();
		mob2 = new Mob();
		mob1.someInt = 1;
		mob1.someFloat = 2.5;
		mob2.someInt = 5;
		mob2.someFloat = 9.125;
		Debug.Log( "mob1 : someInt = " + mob1.someInt + " : someFloat = " + mob1.someFloat );
		Debug.Log( "mob2 : someInt = " + mob2.someInt + " : someFloat = " + mob2.someFloat );
	function Update()
		if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) )
			mob1.someInt += 1;
			mob1.someFloat += 2.5;
			mob2.someInt += 5;
			mob2.someFloat += 9.125;
			Debug.Log( "Update mob1 : someInt = " + mob1.someInt + " : someFloat = " + mob1.someFloat );
			Debug.Log( "Update mob2 : someInt = " + mob2.someInt + " : someFloat = " + mob2.someFloat );

Then run the scene, and check the console. Now each time you press the LMB, the values will be updated and displayed in the console.

note : this does give a warning in Unity :

You are trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the 'new' keyword.  This is not allowed.  MonoBehaviours can only be added using AddComponent().  Alternatively, your script can inherit from ScriptableObject or no base class at all

which I find very strange as this works. Perhaps one of the great minds on this 'site can explain why and/or how to remove this warning =]