Assistance with NGO distributed authority game manager

Hey guys, need help with an issue with my game manager script. Context: I am making a boomerang fu knockoff developed for mobile multiplayer. My character has all the basic functions it needs ,and now I am making it so there is a game manager run on the first player to join’s side. This is the script:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class GameManager : NetworkBehaviour
    public static GameManager Instance;
    public List<LilBoiMovement> players = new List<LilBoiMovement>();
    private Dictionary<ulong, int> playerScores = new Dictionary<ulong, int>();

    private NetworkVariable<bool> roundActive = new NetworkVariable<bool>(false);
    private NetworkVariable<ulong> controllingPlayer = new NetworkVariable<ulong>(0);
    private int maxPoints = 10;

    public Transform[] spawnPoints;

    private void Awake()
        if (Instance == null)
            Instance = this;

    public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
        if (!IsOwner) return;

        NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback += OnPlayerJoined;

        if (IsLocalPlayer && NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedClients.Count == 1)
            controllingPlayer.Value = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId;

        Debug.Log("GameManager spawned. Controlled by Player " + controllingPlayer.Value);

    private void OnPlayerJoined(ulong clientId)
        if (!IsOwner) return;

        Debug.Log("Player joined: " + clientId);

        if (players.Count < 4)

        if (players.Count == 4 && controllingPlayer.Value == NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId)
            Debug.Log("Four players joined. Starting round...");

    private void SpawnPlayer(ulong clientId)
        if (players.Count >= spawnPoints.Length)
            Debug.LogWarning("No more spawn points available!");

        Debug.Log($"Spawning player {clientId} at spawn point {players.Count}");

        GameObject playerObj = Instantiate(NetworkManager.Singleton.NetworkConfig.PlayerPrefab, spawnPoints[players.Count].position, Quaternion.identity);
        NetworkObject netObj = playerObj.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
        LilBoiMovement playerScript = playerObj.GetComponent<LilBoiMovement>();
        playerScores[clientId] = 0;

    private void StartNewRound()

        Debug.Log("Starting a new round...");
        roundActive.Value = true;

        foreach (LilBoiMovement player in players)
            if (player != null)
                Debug.Log($"Reset request for Player {player.OwnerClientId}");

    public void PlayerKnockedOut(ulong knockedOutId, ulong attackerId)
        if (!IsOwner) return;

        Debug.Log($"Player {knockedOutId} was knocked out by Player {attackerId}");

        foreach (LilBoiMovement player in players)
            if (player.OwnerClientId == knockedOutId)
                player.hasFallen.Value = true;
                Debug.Log($"Marked Player {knockedOutId} as fallen.");

        if (playerScores.ContainsKey(attackerId))
            Debug.Log($"Player {attackerId} now has {playerScores[attackerId]} points.");

            if (playerScores[attackerId] >= maxPoints)
                Debug.Log($"Player {attackerId} wins the game!");

        int remaining = RemainingPlayers();
        Debug.Log($"Players left: {remaining}");

        if (remaining == 1)
            Debug.Log("Only one player left, starting a new round...");
            Invoke(nameof(StartNewRound), 3f);

    private int RemainingPlayers()
        int count = 0;
        foreach (LilBoiMovement player in players)
            if (player != null && > 0 && !player.hasFallen.Value)
        Debug.Log($"RemainingPlayers() calculated: {count} players left.");
        return count;

    private void EndGame(ulong winnerId)
        Debug.Log($"Player {winnerId} wins the game! Returning to profile screen.");

Basically, the problem is that players spawn correctly, but nothing happens when characters die, it just doesn’t seem to detect it at all. No other logs are given either after a round has started. Any help is great.