Astar Node problem in maze project

I wanted some advice from you. I realized the script to generate random mazes in runtime. I wanted to apply now pathfind A star. I’m working with nodes and each cell is equivalent to a node. The problem is that the walls of the maze are between one cell and another, not therefore occupy a particular cell. How can I make it clear to the algorithm that where there is the wall is not camminabile?

this is an example of the maze that I created. In the end all boxes will be set to “walkable” I did not understand how I can do.

ya sorry i read wrong :slight_smile:

thanks anyway

When you make your node graph, the ‘find neighbours’ should return only those neighbour nodes that don’t have a wall between them.


This. AStar is a graph traversal algorithm. Before you can use it you need to have a sensible graph built.