Asteroid wrapping effect.

Me and my friend are creating an asteroids style game where our main game object can wrap to the other side of the game field when it leaves one end. I know many people ask this type of question, but we want it to be able to show the same asteroid in multiple places at once, for example it could be on the edge of two sides showing only half of the character, or if in the corner show only a quarter of the model but in all 4 corners. Most answers I have seen use a warping effect where you can only see the object on 1 side or the other. Any advice would be helpful.

If you want to show the same object in several places of the screen, a possible solution is to use several cameras: use one camera (Main) to show the background, and the other cameras to show the asteroid in different places. The asteroid must be placed in some specific layer (let’s call it Asteroid), which will be hidden in the Main camera and visible in the others. The specific settings for the cameras are as follows:

 Main Camera:
  Clear Flags = Skybox or Solid Color
  Culling Mask = all layers checked except the layer Asteroid
  Depth = -1
 Other cameras:
  Clear Flags = Depth Only
  Culling Mask = only layer Asteroid checked
  Depth = 0

The other fields must be equal for all cameras, and the Projection field set to orthographic works better in this case. Place the cameras at different positions to make the same asteroid appear in different places of the screen, while the Main camera shows always the same background.