ASW is now available!

I am going to play with today and will report back on what I find in terms of performance and artifacts.

First thing I noticed was a bunch of new compiler errors in various scripts inside Avatar and Voice folders as well as SampleFramework/Usage/AppDeeplink.cs) because the update is missing a few Assembly Definitions (e.g. AppDeeplink and Facebook Wit, whatever that is), as well as assembly references to those AsmRef files (after creating them). I guess it won’t affect people who aren’t using custom Assembly Definitions in their project but something to look out for.

Also to get URP working have to do the usual Edit > Render Pipeline > Universal Render Pipeline > Upgrade Project Materials to URP (to fix purple materials). And as usual in OVRSkeletonRenderer.cs need to change all the Shader.Find(“Diffuse”) to Shader.Find(“Universal Render Pipeline/Simple Lit”).

OVRManager > Display > Color Gamut seems to be reset back to Rift_CV1 (even though I’m using Oculus Quest 2 and had the recommended Rec_2020 profile set which looks much better).

Everything seems to be working fine so far but I can’t get SpaceWarp to work yet. I’m still trying to work through the steps outline here by rz_0lento - just calling OVRManager.SetSpaceWarp(true) while using Oculus XR Plugin 1.11.0 throws “EntryPointNotFoundException: SetSpaceWarp”. I may just wait until it’s a bit more mature since it seems to require at least one preview package.

My “upgrade todo” file with steps to check after upgrading various assets (including Oculus package) grows with every update :wink:

Thanks for the update. I got no compile errors on my end other than complaints about older Oculus plugin folders that once deleted all was clear. Going to start playing with it as soon as my rerferance build is complete so I can do an A/B comparison. Please keep us posted on your progress.

1.11.0 doesn’t have SpaceWarp, if you read my note again you’ll see I specifically mentioned you need 2.0 preview package. In more specific way you need at least 2.0.0-preview.1 (3.0 preview is for 2021.2+). To see this package in package manager you have to be on 2020.3.21 or newer and have preview packages enabled for package manager, but you can also manually modify your projects manifest and make sure you have:
“com.unity.xr.oculus”: “2.0.0-preview.1”,

Anyone having an issue running an OpenXR build on Quest 2?

Using Unity 2021.2.1f1

Oculus XR Plugin 3.0.0-pre.1

Oculus Integration 34.0

Tried with both Vulkan and Open GLES3. Both build okay but crash on start when running on a Quest 2.

Have also turned off experimental features Late Latching and ASW as well as FFR still to no avail.

ASW doesn’t work properly on 2021.2 yet, you need that 2020.3 and custom URP package for it to function.

You CAN enable it on 2021.2 but I’m pretty sure the movecs are not properly used there since it’s not functioning like it should. On 2020.3 it’s really smooth.

ASW itself only works on Vulkan. I can probably throw together some sample project with this all setup if it helps people :slight_smile:

Edit: as for the sample, I’m actually not sure if Oculus lets us redistribute their SDK / Asset Store integration. As a rule of thumb I never share things from asset store on github unless their licensing is super clear on it being allowed use case.


Gong to wait for out of preview personally. But still interesting to see what gains people have using the tech.

Actually I was mistaken as was using Open XR plugin, not the Oculus XR plugin with OpenXR backend
Anyway when switching to the Oculus XR plugin now I can’t build at all as there’s a Gradle error.

CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed.
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.2.1f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\OpenJDK\bin\java.exe -classpath “C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.2.1f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Tools\gradle\lib\gradle-launcher-6.1.1.jar” org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain “-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m” “assembleRelease”

also this line in the error
Task :launcher:mergeReleaseNativeLibs FAILED

As hippocoder said, might have to wait until Oculus XR plugin for 2021.2 is out of preview.

When turn on space warp it halves the framerate?

Yes, as soon as you enable it, app will target half of the framerate and AppSW generates the rest. You can verify this yourself with OVR Debug Tool on Quest.

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Yes and also read the documentation about ASW to understand frame rates.

I don’t think you understand my problem. I understand that it’s supposed to half my frame rate then fake the extra frames. But there’s no faking of extra frames. Ok the quest it’s just half frame rate?

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What? Your question doesn’t make sense or I don’t understand it. Did you read the entire documentation I linked? It’s quite long and complicated.

You are probably going to need to provide more information, screenshots, or something. Generally if you want help, you have to help us by explaining your situation better.

Ok I understand that you need info on my problem and here it is. Iv setup all the package manager requirements, Iv added all the custom urp folders to packages. Iv ticked space warp in de settings. Iv got vukan on. It’s all setup. However, I have a frame rate counter setup so when I enter the scene on my quest and set the application space warp to true. It comes out at half frame rate. Do you understand? So say at default it was running at 50fps. Then when I enable space warp it runs at half frame rate. Not smooth… the whole idea of application space warp is to make it smoother. To make it run faster. No, when it is enabled and I play it in the quest it is 25fps. No more than that… So what is the next step to take to actually do the filling in of frames… the thing that makes it smooth. The purpose of the application space warp should work? But all that is happening is it’s becoming laggy and half frames…

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@reddo having similar issue here, crash on startup. Still crashes without the Oculus Integration plugin, and crashes with Oculus XR Plugin 2.0.0-preview.1 too.

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