Asylum Pre-visual walk-thru is available.

Asylum Pre-visual walk-thru is available. This walk-thru has three distinct areas. To travel between zones you’ll need to find the rising white particle effect, simple, but something to do. (Sorry no enemies yet. This is just a rough environment test. Future versions will be more robust!)
Controls: w,s,a,d for movement. Q+command key to quit.

Software used: Unity Indi ver. 2x. modo, Lightwave 3D, Photoshop CS3, Zbrush.

Please visit GearTech Games to download.

Thanks for the comments everyone! They are well appreciated.

I’m glad that most of you are able to max out the visual settings and still get very high frame rates. Each area has no more than 2 or 3 in game point lights. This allowed me to use other shaders and Alphas while the bulk of illumination and shadows are produced with lightmaps.

I, like many of you have been wondering if Unity can do AAA game quality. I’ve seen many great projects posted on this and other forums all of which help testify to Unity’s capabilities and ease of use. This simple walk-thru allowed me to generate a quick and efficient environment that I could use to further test ideas such as AI and special FX without interfering with the actual game levels I’m currently modeling.

That’s beautiful, great job! I got a high fps the entire time on “fantastic” settings too. I wish there were people to shoot though :wink: . I don’t have many criticisms for it, but I think maybe you forgot to smooth the normals on the snow mesh. It looks pretty faceted. Also I personally think the art deco tiles look a little weird on the ceiling. Besides that it is awesome. I can’t wait to see more!

Wow very high quality stuff there. The roof in the Asylum reminded me of the train stations in Fallout 3.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.

just one word: wow!!!

That’s pretty spectacular! I really loved the floating things in the third scene. I wish my art skills were on par with that, as I’m working on a project that I basically want to create a bunch (several) of semi destroyed buildings like that.

My compliments. Very nice indeed.

Looks very nice. Congrats

Pretty neat, ambiance is great for what I saw and heard, Fps really good inside the asylum.

Nothing to say at this point, I am curious to see what kind of creature we will be able to see ^^

Keep it up !

Really good! :smile:
But please higher mouse sensitivity… :wink:

Hi There

Looking good nice work, out of interest, how much of the model and texture content have you created? have you created those maps from scatch?

If you want to push the shaders and get a AAA look… use the pixel light shaders more, add normal maps and spec for details as it’s all looking a bit flat.

Also put some more details into the mesh, bevel the edges and use a little rim lighting.



Great Comments MrSweet.

Everything went form the brain to computer. I originally started some concept drawings but that was taking to long, so I threw ideas together as I modeled. I spent most of my time working on building an efficient pipeline between modo and Unity (As I’m sure most everyone can agree on - FBXing data is a pain)

None of the geometry from this Pre-Viz will make it into the final levels just the concepts are being used. That might seam like a waste of time, but getting something together quickly helps in my design process and it only took 4 weeks to put this together.

I like your comment on getting that AAA look. Using more pixel light shaders, normal maps, specs and even bumping up the geometry ornamentalism. All of those features will make it into the final deal. It’s great having a testing and focus group that’s free. I have friends that test and then give me feedback but it’s less than objective. So if you are new to Unity, don’t wait until your game is finished to get feedback. Making changes before you’ve invested months of your time will give you a better product in the end.

I’m very interested in what others are doing with Unity and hope to seem more in-progress games from others.

Hi dclarson,

as You have written you use a lot of lightmaped objects in the pre-viz.If so: How do you attach normal maps to them without loosing most of the lightmap’s lighting?
I tried to combine lightmapped objects with a rather “soft” directional pixel light but the result was poor bumping and poor lightmapping loosing almost all baked shadows.


Inspiring. Great :slight_smile:


The entrance to the Asylum shows what I will do with most textures; Bake the normal map into the color texture. Or, I’ll match up a point light, make sure it doesn’t overpower everything and us a Lightmap shader with a Bumpmap Texture. This way I’m still relying on the Lightmap shadow to get the effect I want. I’m working on an area which will show the best of everything and I should have it posted soon.

Very nice finish. You really get the feel that each detail in the scene has been carefully considered. Two points though:

  • The dripping audio gets quite annoying when you realise its played in stereo all the time. Implementing it as a mono “3D” sound (possibly at several locations) would probably rectify this.

  • On my mbp, some areas are very dark. Either equipping the player with a flashlight or increasing the lighting a bit would be preferable.

yeah the flashlight in some areas would be helpful and enemies would be great!

Kudos to you!


Sorry about the chosen sound effects, they are my son’s choices and he’s 9, they won’t be in the final.

Great point on using mono sound versus Stereo sounds. If you’re reading this and you’re not sure what AngryAnt is referring to. Mono sound files can be setup so they have a fall off effect. This allows your player to enter an area so the sound effect grows in intensity,as they get closer to the source. Stereo files don’t have this option.

I wanted to see if I could produce effective Doom like Death dark spots. Not enabling GI when I rendered the lightmap did it. A player flashlight is a must have option. Thanks for the comments.

Ps I love the stuff you’re working on. I look forward to using many of the tools you’re currently developing, keep up the good work.

Very nice indeed!

This looks fantastic!

Thanks for your video tutorials on lightmapping by the way. They made a huge difference in the dungeon crawler I’m working on.

I was playing your web player version and was getting 50 FPS inside. I agree with the comment about the dripping sound. If you were to make it mono and position it in spots that seem to make sense that would help a lot.

Also a simple suggestion that would make a difference, add footstep sounds to the player controller, that would really put the player into the scene.

Keep up the great work!



Really nice work indeed. Enjoyed wandering around the levels

fantastic work mate, and a really good lightmap tutorial. Thankyou. I’m really excited to see your architectural and prop modeling pipeline using lightwave modo and zbrush! Something I’ll be watching out for for definite :slight_smile: