Atlas/Sprites leakage in UI

  1. If you have disabled button with sprite on scene - after you load other scene atlas will still be in memory.
  2. If you add sprites to Button Sprite swap tab, and switch button behaviour to color tint, than all sprites set before that, still will be loaded each time you use that button.

Attached project demonstrates that 2 bugs. You can check that by making detailed memory snapshot in profiler and checking Assets/Texture2D that currently used.

Reproducable on Editor and any Platforms. Unity version 5.2.1.p4

2638635–185649–AtlasLeakSample.unitypackage (23.9 KB)

So about 5 persons viewed sample, may be any comments will appear? Or no one use Unity UI?)))


This forum is mostly made up of other users, so if it’s a bug, we may not have anything to say on it.
I suggest you report the bug to unity using the bug report feature.

But problem is that i created bug more than month ago and nothing happens

Unity tends to not focus on bugs that aren’t submitted under the latest version as the issue may be fixed. QA hasn’t responded to the bug, can you install 5.3.5 test it and resubmit the bug if still present?

Ok, i’ll resubmit but as far as i know it was from appearance of new gui and due to logs of newer versions its still present.

Fixed in 5.3.5f1.