Atlas Terrain Shader

Im working on a mesh terrain shader that blends 16 different textures from a texture atlas
with a blending mode based on titans quest
1 atlas texture
1 control rgba texture paint between 4 columns
1 variation rgba texture blend between top 2 row textures or bottom 2 row textures depending on variation map
1 overall bump map
shader model 3
uses 1 draw call
I have tested it on android google nexus 7 and it works good
if you have comments suggestions or interest please post them


Very nice. Any particular gotchas or issues with it?
I would think there would be a good bit of interest in this.

It sounds interesting. If you have any plan to release it I’d like to study your shader.
Also how you build the splat maps? Do you use a software to automate the process?

I know it was a while back, but what became of this shader? I feel this would be very useful.

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@JamesArndt1 - have you looked at Megasplat?

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i recommend mega splat as well its a good shader and I’m not even sure if i have this code anymore

I really could need this shader right now… didn’t find any solution on the asset store that allowed me to use an atlas texture for unity terrains.

How did you avoid the mipmap issue?