Attach Camera to head bone

I am trying to attach my first person camera to the players head bone. When I child the camera to the head bone the rotation is completely off. Also my mouse script that I have on my Camera probably is going to have to be moved elsewhere because when I move the mouse it rotates the head like an owl. Any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance.

Would it work better to have the camera separate from the head bone but in the Update Function make the transform and rotation the same as the head bone?

Generally you want the camera to be separate from the head bone. If you think about it, a person’s head bobs up and down a lot when they run. You may want this effect in your game, but normally games allow you to disable the head-bob effect. In real life your head also rotates slightly when you run, but you compensate for this by keeping your eyes locked on target.

Take a look at the free Head Look Controller example project. The unity team has already solved this problem. Just configure your character to look towards a point in front of the camera and you’re good to go!