Attached scripts as List?

Hey everyone,

Is there a way to create a list of all the attached scripts on an object? I have tried several ways:

  1. Creating a global list of type MonoBehavior and attempting to populate it as below:

    public scriptList as List[of MonoBehaviour]
    def Start():
        go as (MonoBehavior) = GetComponents[of MonoBehavior]()
    <pre>`   for item in go:
           scriptList.Add(item as MonoBehavior)


    But I get a 'NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object' and can't seem to find a way around it.

  2. Manually creating a list

    addedScript as ExampleScript
    addedScript = GetComponent[of ExampleScript]()
    scriptList as List = [addedScript]

    However, I cannot reference in the item in the list by doing something like


    because it gives me a 'BCE0019: 'someVariable' is not a member of 'object'.' error.1.

Does anyone know of a way to do this?



It seems the issue can be solved using the second method in my first post. Except Lists are not the way to go, instead, just use arrays:

addedScript1 as ExampleScript1
addedScript1 = GetComponent[of ExampleScript1]()

addedScript2 as ExampleScript2
addedScript2 = GetComponent[of ExampleScript2]()

scriptArray = (addedScript1, addedScript2)

Where now if someVariable is a boolean, it will actually return true or false.
