I would like to have a rolling ball as the base of my player movement but then a body that sort of sits above it. Like bb8s head from Star Wars.
Everything Ive tried results in the object rolling with the ball or becoming detached. I cant find anything online and would appreciate any help.
EDIT: Well I managed to find a solution before this post was even moderated but incase anyone else is wondering the solution is very simple.
Create an empty game object as a child of your sphere(ball). Reset its transform in the inspector so it should be dead centre, now make sure to separate it so it is no longer a child of the player. Attach a script to the gameObject making it follow the sphere.
Heres mine:
public Transform followSphere;
void Update () {
transform.position = followSphere.transform.position;
Then attach your player as the followSphere target in the inspector. Create the head/body of your player(Like bb8s) and child it to the empty gameObject. Offset it by the spheres radius and you’re done.