I made a simple world in Tiled, and transferred it to Unity using Tiled2Unity. I have this field, but it exists of 2 main parts, because I used different tilesets. I want the player to walk on top of some parts of the field, and under other parts, but how do I seperate these parts that need to be seperated?
I’m very new to Unity, so I don’t have very much knowledge of this, but someone told me to ‘put some colliders in and ‘simply’ layering them’, or something like that.
Good day! You are not asking a concrete question.
If you want to do a project with unity, and you are new with it, i recommend you to watch some youtube video tutorials to learn the basics, and most important, learn to find in the Unity API page all you need.
Collider Tutorials/Manuals:
Every tile must have a script in which its sorting order must be defined.
Whenever your player move over the tile , the player change its sorting order of its own, by getting the current tile sorting order.
player sorting order= currentTileSortingOrder;