Attaching equipment to a character

Hi I want to attach an object I instantiated to fit the transform of my character when a powerup is collided with. But when I set the object’s transform the results are not as what I was expecting. How could I fix the equipment’s transform to a position and rotation I want to have.

Here is my script for my powerup:

public GameObject chainsawAttachment;
	GameObject playerObject;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		playerObject = GameObject.Find("PlayerCar");
		animation["chainsawRotate"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

	void OnTriggerEnter (Collider myTrigger){

		if (myTrigger.gameObject.tag == "Player") {

			GameObject equipedChainsaw = (GameObject)Instantiate(chainsawAttachment,new Vector3( playerObject.transform.localPosition.x, playerObject.transform.localPosition.y, playerObject.transform.localPosition.z), Quaternion.Euler(playerObject.transform.rotation.x, playerObject.transform.rotation.y, playerObject.transform.rotation.z));
			equipedChainsaw.transform.parent = playerObject.transform;

If the chainsaw isn’t positioned correctly, add a child object to your playerObject. This child object is commonly called an attachment point. Then child the chainsaw to the attachment point. You can tweak the local transform of the attachment point so the chainsaw is in the right position.