Attaching Interactive Cloth to animated mesh

So I currently have the hair of my character as an interactive cloth attached to a capsule collider on the character’s head. I also have a rigidbody on the head to make sure the hair stays.
My problem is the hair doesn’t follow the head in animations and floats off a bit.

Here’s how it looks in Idle (how it should look)


Then we move to running, and…


A similar thing happens with falling/jumping it won’t let me put any more images) where the hair follows the head, but isn’t attached to it.

Here are the hair’s values:

Bending stiffness: 1
Stretching stiffness: 1
Damping: 1
Thickness: 0.01
[X] Use gravity
[ ] Self collision
Friction: 0
Density: 1.01
Pressure: 0
Collision Response: 0
Attachment tear factor: 0.001
Attachment response: 0
Tear factor: 0

In that case, I assume your character uses a Skinned Mesh Renderer?

Use the skinned cloth instead.

Or consider this property: