Attack of the Space Boulders - for Oculus Rift


Attack of the Space Boulders is a game that is heavily inspired by the Atari classic Asteroids. The twist, and what brings AOTSB into its own, is the fully 3d gameplay designed with the Oculus Rift in mind. We really wanted to transport the player into the cockpit of a virtual space vessel. The feeling of space flight and navigation being of the utmost importance.

Download version 1.0:

Changes for 1.0:

  • Targeting system overhaul
    – Target objects with the right mouse button or left bumper (xbox controller)
    – HUD will display velocity relative to targeted object
    – Added lead target reticle for easier aiming
  • Updated difficulty curve, starts easier but quickly gets much harder
  • Added explosion particle effects
  • Locking mouse to game during gameplay

Changes for 0.9.5:

  • Added high score board
  • Support for standard monitors
  • Small gameplay tweaks and balances



Updated with new version! The most notable new feature is support for standard monitors. Give it a try and let me know what you think. :slight_smile:

I think it’s great, very nice style!

Congrats about your project, we love old fashion videogames, we wish you success in your project,

we created and old-fashioned videogame Beat 'em up for mobile devices.

keep going

Updated with version 1.0! I will likely be taking a break from developing this for a while, unless there are game breaking bugs found.

Hi, I did a video gameplay of Attack of the Space Boulders at and the youtube video is just here:

I can’t wait to have my own Occulus Rift!