attempt at indie humor

Hi folks,

I’m working away at several things, and to let off some steam I like to express my personal dry wit… as with all cynical types, I like to vent openly :slight_smile:

I’ve put together an initial comic to test the water. If anyone likes it (or I still need to let it out) I will continue.

You can find it here:

Let me know what you think (yes the surrounding page formatting needs to change).



Thats why I always use reality cash. 8)

Good comic, made me giggle.

P.S. It is now your responsibility to put boing graphics on threads written by people like that.

Thanks, I think :lol:

For the record, the “Boing” is always there, they just can’t hear it most times :wink:

Well, I"m going to give it a try, see how it goes. There will be a new comic every day (12am) from now until at least Christmas eve, just to give a feel for where I’m going. (I’ll probably do daily bits until the new year, then I’ll have to see about frequency, daily is rough, but we’ll see.) It is therapeutic for me to let this out a little, as long as it doesn’t eat too much time, or cause any undue strain on my other business :slight_smile: .

Here’s a link to the page where the comics will list:

Any feedback is welcome.

Thank you.


That’s funny stuff right there, and so true but…you censored the word hell?


Ha! I didn’t even notice I censored hell (which, said that way, gives me a sorted idea for a comic :twisted: ). 12+ years in corporate IT has left me censoring any strong language in messages/e-mails/whatever… anything to avoid those “tense” discussions with HR 8) .

I’ve got a couple of categories I’m planning, today sees the introduction of “business blues”. I’m experimenting by dropping a couple comics for each category, so let me know if one works, or doesn’t work, if you love one or hate it.

