Okay, So, I’ve gone through several tutorials, and I feel like I’m missing something really really simple.
The method I’m trying to replicate is: Get all the vertices of a plane, put them in an array, run the array through Perlin Noise, assign all the vertices based on the value of the perlin. That’s how this is supposed to work right? However, all I get are ridges going across the entire plane in one direction, instead of all the way around.
var vertex : GameObject;
var scale : float = 6.5;
//var move : boolean = false;
var m : float;
var Verts : Vector3[];
function Start () {
vertex = gameObject;
var mf : MeshFilter = vertex.GetComponent(MeshFilter);
Verts = mf.mesh.vertices;
for(var point: Vector3 in Verts){
var height = Mathf.PerlinNoise(point.x/scale, point.z/scale);
point.z = height*3;
mf.mesh.vertices = Verts;
What step am I missing here?