I’m currently working on a game where I’m attempting to add the option of being able to use a phone as the controller for a player. To this end, in the game I have written a class to start a NetworkServerSimple on the game which the mobile controller app I have written should connect to. However upon trying to connect the two I am encountering a
UNet Client Disconnect Error: CRCMismatch
I’m guessing this is due to the game and the mobile app being two different projects. Is there a way to either disable this check or have the client and server signal to each other that they match? Since I have the two using the exact same message protocol (message ids, message definitions etc - the file is the same in both projects) and each project has handlers assigned for all the messages, I see no reason why they shouldn’t be able to communicate were it not for this check.
I’ve seen in a few places where people recommend using the same project, however in this situation I would really like to avoid that as I’m trying to keep the controller app as small as possible and really don’t want to have to sift through all the stuff from the game that shouldn’t be in the controller app. I also intend for the controller app to be portable across games rather than having to release a different app for each game, hence the seperation.
So yeah, basically my question is is it possible to get the two to connect and avoid the CRC errors I’m getting?