Attention All Kind Staff And Kind People!


I’m only 13. I program in C++ and as you could imagine C++ gets quite complicated for a thirteen year old, so lately I’ve been looking for a Macintosh game engine and then when I found Unity I was amazed at the fact that, a game engine for the macintosh could generate such a amazing javascript 3d game for the mac and how easy it is to use.

So as you can imagine a thirteen year old probably won’t be able to afford such a good game engine so I was wondering if the staff could get me it slightly cheeper or evan free?

Thanks Very Much,

Hi Stuart,

I feel with you. I know that it can be frustrating to be a kid with no wages and no budget. It’s not all that long ago :slight_smile:

But, that doesn’t allow you to do what you did last week (you know what it was; in my world it amount to trying to steal… and not just from us, but from another user).

If you say sorry, we can talk.


I would recommend using a simpler language such as C, and then go on to Objective-C

I saved up for unity, I bought unity, I am thirteen. I also rock, and I’m also the most modest person you’ll ever find. :smile:

The Unity people don’t gain anything by giving away a copy to a kid, they’re not going to make something so spectacular and promote Unity or anything. Try Dim3 @, you should be able to work through the code.

Don’t try to obtain something in any way but legally.

I’m a student, I have to save for it to. First trying to steal a copy and then asking for a free version is not my idea of polite. By the way, if you save for something, you’ll have more satisfaction of it.


Sorry “Davidhelgason” I know it was bad what I did but its not all that bad because when you said you send me one I did not reply 1) because I had re-thought it and I did not really want to brake the law and 2) That copy was for someone else and I did not want to take their fun away…

Sorry again and I’m sorry to the person it was supposed to be for.



Excuse taken. Thank you Stuart.


Hi Stuart,

Have you seen Dim3? It’s no Unity, but it is free and use’s javascript as well. Check it out.


Thanks Jamie but I already have and its not my kind of 3D engine.

Thanks anyway,

Yah Dim3 sux. Makes no sense at all to anyone who knows true 3D. Good luck at saving up the money for Unity, maybe you could ask for it for Xmas or something :slight_smile: Jeff

Hi Jeff, thats a good idea thanks

You might want to have a close look at
There is a version called BlitzMax which is very cheep and incredibly powerful. A nice 3D engine module will be available before the end of the year. Check out the demos and games already produced using Blitz3D to get an idea on how powerful this thing is.

Kind regards
Reda Borchardt

BlitzMax is indeed a good tool but the 3D module isn’t out yet and it probably wont come close to the easy of use Unity has to offer. But if you want to learn working with BlitzMax I suggest that you take a look at Game Programming For Teens 2nd Edition. It’s written for BlitzPlus but I ported the demo files to BlitzMax and the author was so kind to include them on the CD.


lol, good thread…